Maharishi World Peace Movement Maharishi World Peace Movement

Photo Gallery - World Peace Day Celebration 2019

Celebration of World Peace Day at MVM Balasore
Celebration of World Peace Day at MVM Balasore
  World Peace Day was celebrated today at Maharishi Vidya Mandir Bareilly UP. Programme was started with Shri Guru Parampara Pujan followed by Pranayam and group practice of TM.
     Principal R.L.Singh explained contribution of His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ji in establishing world Peace. 
      On this occasion Maharishi Peace Volunteers along with students and staff members taken oath to contribute their effort to establish peace by practicing TM daily.
Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. Maharishi VidyaMandir celebrated Maharishi world peace movement on 21st September 2019 to approach the issue of violence and destruction at all levels, through peace and invincibility. The celebration started with lighting of lamp and welcome speech which was followed by another speech given by Mrs. VimalHaswani, Ambassador of world peace movement and Sh. H.C. Joshi, TMSA expressed their views on peace and said simplification leads to peace. Peace can be created by forgiveness, in this connection Mr. Joshi also added that peace is supreme knowledge which comes from Veda. On this occasion self composed poems, group song and dance added elegance to the program.
School Principal Sh. B.S. Guleria delivered speech and said that peace is coming from inside, it plays a pivotal role in everybody???s life. On this occasion all the staff members took pledge to create peace in world followed by the speech of Sh. D.P. Tiwari, Joint Director Biodiversity MVM schools group. He expressed his views and said that Transcendental Meditation is a medium through which we can control our brain. The program ended with vote of thanks given by Mr. Yash Mishra.
Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. Maharishi VidyaMandir celebrated Maharishi world peace movement on 21st September 2019 to approach the issue of violence and destruction at all levels, through peace and invincibility. The celebration started with lighting of lamp and welcome speech which was followed by another speech given by Mrs. VimalHaswani, Ambassador of world peace movement and Sh. H.C. Joshi, TMSA expressed their views on peace and said simplification leads to peace. Peace can be created by forgiveness, in this connection Mr. Joshi also added that peace is supreme knowledge which comes from Veda. On this occasion self composed poems, group song and dance added elegance to the program.
School Principal Sh. B.S. Guleria delivered speech and said that peace is coming from inside, it plays a pivotal role in everybodyâ??s life. On this occasion all the staff members took pledge to create peace in world followed by the speech of Sh. D.P. Tiwari, Joint Director Biodiversity MVM schools group. He expressed his views and said that Transcendental Meditation is a medium through which we can control our brain. The program ended with vote of thanks given by Mr. Yash Mishra.
Celebration of World Peace Day at chikmangalore
Today the world peace day celebrated in school in the form of Blood donation camp organised with the help of the doctor and staff of Victoria hospital Jabalpur.
Programe started with Guru Pujan then taking of the oath by all the. Staff of our school. 20 minutes group meditation was done by all. 
Chief guest of the programme was Dr Mrs Amitos, Blood bank incharge. Light was thrown on the objectives and agenda of Maharishi world peace movement by the principal Mrs Gurpreet Verma in her address. Dr Amitose expressed her gratitude to the principal in her address, felt delighted to see the enthusiasm among the lady staff members of the school for generously donating their blood.
In all 55 people attended the programme and 28 people donated blood including 9 staff members of school.
Today the world peace day celebrated in school in the form of Blood donation camp organised with the help of the doctor and staff of Victoria hospital Jabalpur.
Programe started with Guru Pujan then taking of the oath by all the. Staff of our school. 20 minutes group meditation was done by all. 
Chief guest of the programme was Dr Mrs Amitos, Blood bank incharge. Light was thrown on the objectives and agenda of Maharishi world peace movement by the principal Mrs Gurpreet Verma in her address. Dr Amitose expressed her gratitude to the principal in her address, felt delighted to see the enthusiasm among the lady staff members of the school for generously donating their blood.
In all 55 people attended the programme and 28 people donated blood including 9 staff members of school.
World Peace Day was celebrated today at Maharishi Vidya Mandir Bareilly UP. Programme was started with Shri Guru Parampara Pujan followed by Pranayam and group practice of TM.
     Principal R.L.Singh explained contribution of His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ji in establishing world Peace. 
      On this occasion Maharishi Peace Volunteers along with students and staff members taken oath to contribute their effort to establish peace by practicing TM daily.
With pious and glorious blessings of His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi ji and under the worthy guidance and protection of Hon'ble Chairman Brahmachari Guirish Chandra Verma Ji, Maharishi Vidya Mandir Shahdol celebrated World Peace Day on 21st Sep. 2019 under the banner of World Peace Movement.

The programme commenced with welcoming of guest and floral greetings. It was followed by Gurupuja & lighting of lamp, invoking the blessings of Gurudev for peace & harmony in our country.

Inspirational speech was delivered by Principal Dr. Bhawana Tiwari. She introduced ws delivered by Principal Dr. Bhawana Tiwari She introuduced Maharishi World Peace Movement, SDM and SPM and programme to the gathering. Everyone participated in Transidental meditation. Mrs Bharti Sen & Mr. Satish Sen mediation teachers guest of the day explained the role of mediation in disseminating peace.
With pious and glorious blessings of His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi ji and under the worthy guidance and protection of Hon'ble Chairman Brahmachari Guirish Chandra Verma Ji, Maharishi Vidya Mandir Shahdol celebrated World Peace Day on 21st Sep. 2019 under the banner of World Peace Movement.

The programme commenced with welcoming of guest and floral greetings. It was followed by Gurupuja & lighting of lamp, invoking the blessings of Gurudev for peace & harmony in our country.

Inspirational speech was delivered by Principal Dr. Bhawana Tiwari. She introduced ws delivered by Principal Dr. Bhawana Tiwari She introuduced Maharishi World Peace Movement, SDM and SPM and programme to the gathering. Everyone participated in Transidental meditation. Mrs Bharti Sen & Mr. Satish Sen mediation teachers guest of the day explained the role of mediation in disseminating peace.
Celebration of Maharishi World Peace day at MVM Sitapur.
Celebration of Maharishi World Peace day at MVM Sitapur.
Celebration of Maharishi World Peace day at MVM Sitapur.
Celebration on the eve of World Peace Day started with introduction delivered by School Pupil Leader followed by Shri Guru poojan, where the principal, the teachers, few parents and all persons of our office/institution took part in this wonderful occasion.  Soon after pooja, all the staff members and the students did TM for 15minutes.  Then speech was delivered by honourable principal madam, followed by oath taking.
Celebration on the eve of World Peace Day started with introduction delivered by School Pupil Leader followed by Shri Guru poojan, where the principal, the teachers, few parents and all persons of our office/institution took part in this wonderful occasion.  Soon after pooja, all the staff members and the students did TM for 15minutes.  Then speech was delivered by honourable principal madam, followed by oath taking.
Today on 21 September 2019, World Peace Day Celebrated in School Premises. At the occasion Mr. Nitin SAdgir, S.D.O, Tumsar was The Chief Guest of Function. Mrs. Urmila Turkar (TGT) has given Introductory Speech of Maharishi World Peace Movement. Principal Dhirendra Purohit Welcome The Chief Guest by offering him a bouquet. Shree Guru Parampara Poojan was done after Guest's welcome. T.M. Teacher Mr. Akhil Mishra taken Pranayam and Group Practice of T.M. for All Students of Class IX & X with their Teachers. Speech regarding Maharishi World Peace Movement and his importance was explained by The Principal. Then Mr. Nitin Sadgir shared his valuable experience of Meditation in his speech. In the last OATH taking was done by the Principal. Mr. Umesh Chauhan has given Vote of Thanks. Kindly acknowledge the receipt for the same.
Today on 21 September 2019, World Peace Day Celebrated in School Premises. At the occasion Mr. Nitin SAdgir, S.D.O, Tumsar was The Chief Guest of Function. Mrs. Urmila Turkar (TGT) has given Introductory Speech of Maharishi World Peace Movement. Principal Dhirendra Purohit Welcome The Chief Guest by offering him a bouquet. Shree Guru Parampara Poojan was done after Guest's welcome. T.M. Teacher Mr. Akhil Mishra taken Pranayam and Group Practice of T.M. for All Students of Class IX & X with their Teachers. Speech regarding Maharishi World Peace Movement and his importance was explained by The Principal. Then Mr. Nitin Sadgir shared his valuable experience of Meditation in his speech. In the last OATH taking was done by the Principal. Mr. Umesh Chauhan has given Vote of Thanks. Kindly acknowledge the receipt for the same.
Today on 21 September 2019, World Peace Day Celebrated in School Premises. At the occasion Mr. Nitin SAdgir, S.D.O, Tumsar was The Chief Guest of Function. Mrs. Urmila Turkar (TGT) has given Introductory Speech of Maharishi World Peace Movement. Principal Dhirendra Purohit Welcome The Chief Guest by offering him a bouquet. Shree Guru Parampara Poojan was done after Guest's welcome. T.M. Teacher Mr. Akhil Mishra taken Pranayam and Group Practice of T.M. for All Students of Class IX & X with their Teachers. Speech regarding Maharishi World Peace Movement and his importance was explained by The Principal. Then Mr. Nitin Sadgir shared his valuable experience of Meditation in his speech. In the last OATH taking was done by the Principal. Mr. Umesh Chauhan has given Vote of Thanks. Kindly acknowledge the receipt for the same.
World Peace Day Celebration at MVM Wardha
World Peace Day Celebration at MVM Wardha
World Peace Day Celebration
World Peace Day Celebration at MVM Wardha